GERBRAS-SCIENCENET Brazilian Amazon Research and Education Alliance

The GERBRAS-SCIENCENET Brazilian Amazon Research and Education Alliance is a platform focused on research, education, and training related to Brazilian Amazon issues. Its main objective is to foster interdisciplinary research on biodiversity, climate change, deforestation, and indigenous knowledge in the Brazilian Amazon. Also, the Brazilian Amazon Research and Education Alliance intends to develop educational programmes for local communities, schools, and universities focusing on sustainable practices, and offer training on sustainable resource management and conservation strategies.

It will undertake the following initiatives, as part of GERBRAS-SCIENCENET:
a) Execute research projects addressing pressing issues in the Amazon.
b) Organise conferences, workshops and seminars for knowledge sharing.
c) Create a platform for remote learning and resource sharing.
d) Produce materials such as scientific papers, books and articles in the media, to raise awareness and disseminate findings of research initiatives and conservation projects taking place in the Amazon region.

It will also collaborate with appropriate businesses that have sustainability goals and implement the principles of sustainable development.

The GERBRAS-SCIENCENET Brazilian Amazon Research and Education Alliance will seek funding from international organisations, government agencies, and private donors. It will also establish connections with similar organisations in Brazil, Latin America and globally, to collaborate and share best practices.
Finally, it will also engage the General public through social media campaigns, community events, and conferences.

For further information, please contact:

German-Brazilian Science and Technology Network
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Faculty of Life Sciences
Research and Transfer Centre "Sustainable Development and Climate Change
Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg